Working with sound

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Volume level may be defined for the entire piece and for separate notes. Volume for the entire piece is controlled by the trackbar on the instrument panel.
Each note also contains a velocity in the standard MIDI-defined intervals from 0 to 127. The default value is 64 (half the maximum volume). To change any given setting, use the tab and select the «Volume note editor»
button. First select the notes whose volume requires adjustment, then press the «Volume note editor»
button. This opens the volume editor and displays the notes’ current velocity in the score near the note. The editor displays the selected notes’ velocity as a graph. The «Increment»
button increases the volume of the whole selected row; the «Decrement»
button lowers it. The «Alignment»
button aligns the selected row from the first note to the last note.
In the program, volume is also adjusted through dynamics symbols placed on the staff.
The program do adjust velocity, which you can correct in the velocity editor, how automatically so by manually. For automatically adjusting, need set propert «Auto calculate dynamics symbols» in the «Program settings». Manually the dynamics symbols’ properties may be adjusted from the tab through the dropdown box of the «Voice сalculate»