Music notation

MagicScore Maestro 6 – the most inexpensive, professional, best-selling, music notation software in the world

MagicScore Maestro music notation software offers advanced capabilities for working with sheet music in the easiest and most convenient way. You can precisely tune pitches, set timing, and process effects and dynamics. With MagicScore Maestro 5, you can use both general and extended sets of musical symbols and also create your own symbols, terms, and chords for different types of compositions.

Easily and efficiently compose and record both small pieces and large musical compositions with special tools like these:

  • Virtual piano
  • Virtual fingerboard (for six- and seven-string guitars)
  • MIDI events editor

And special features like these:

  • Recording from external MIDI devices (like MIDI keyboards)
  • Web publishing
  • Exporting to graphical files
  • Importing/exporting MIDI and MusicXML files (for working with other notation programs and scanning software like SharpEye).
  • You can use any music font you like with Maestro 6



With MagicScore Maestro 6, you get all you need to work quickly and easily with music notation at a very reasonable price!

Before purchasing, you can try free trial version and consider how much MagicScore Maestro suits your needs.

Download (5.07 MB)

  Purchase ($109.65)

Limited offer MagicScore Maestro 6  only for $109.65, you save $19.35,   $129

This software has English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian and Ukrainian languages.

For Educational Discount
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